Lunch and learn cannabis education session

Canada House is pleased to offer free cannabis education sessions for you and your healthcare team.


Could you and/or your team benefit from a cannabis education session?

Are your patients or residents asking questions about medical cannabis and the available treatment options?

Do you need more information about what medium to use, dosage or contraindication?

Are you unsure of whether you are comfortable with prescribing or recommending the best medical cannabis product for your patient’s specific needs?

Canada House can help. Fill out the form below to book a free lunch and learn cannabis education session with one of our experienced educators.

Canada House’s network of doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurse educators provides professional, personalized, objective care to patients seeking to understand their medical cannabis options. We work with patients to understand their complete medical profile before recommending a custom, evidence-based treatment plan and registering them with a Health Canada-approved Licensed Producer.

All our referring healthcare practitioners are notified of the dose and duration recommended for their patients. All patients receive ongoing support and can schedule 1-on-1 appointments with their educator at any time.

We would love to have an opportunity to provide an overview of medical cannabis and our services in support of primary care providers and patients seeking to understand these treatments.

If you are interested in a lunch and learn cannabis education session, please complete the form below, and one of our administrators will be in contact to arrange a date and time which is convenient for you.

    Book your Lunch and Learn session:

    We will contact you within 2 business days to discuss your session.

    Provide up to three potential dates for us to visit your clinic or facility:
    First date:

    Second date:

    Third date: