Using Cannabis with Intention

Using Cannabis with Intention

Written By: Brittney Hannah, CH Halifax. Gone are the days when cannabis was seen solely as a recreational substance or a means to escape reality. Today, more individuals are embracing a more conscious approach to cannabis consumption. Using cannabis with intention...
Looking for THC free?

Looking for THC free?

Curious about Cannabis but don’t want THC? There could be several reasons someone would not want to touch THC products. They could be avoiding it due to work restrictions, previous experiences, medical contraindications, or just the overall nerves of trying something...
Things to know about THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Things to know about THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

The most explored cannabinoid in cannabis is THC. It is one of the most feared cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and yet if taken suitably it can provide us with many therapeutic benefits. THC is not present in all cannabis products, but when it is, it can cause...