Top Grinders as Recommended by our Educators


Finding the right grinder can be overwhelming if you are new to cannabis. Our educators help our clients pick out the best grinders suited by their needs. Here are a few of our top picks and some tips on what to be looking for.


Top rated picks from our Educators:


Santa Cruz Shredder

Jumbo 4-piece Black Shredder


Krush X Casie Wendel


Otto by Banana Bros.

When purchasing your grinder, there’s a few things to consider:

  1. Kief collector. If you’re a baker or a dabber, you’ll want to be sure you’re collecting quality keif.
  2. Helps keep the grinder together, while in use or when stored.
  3. Material used; plastic, wood, metal
    1. Metal; durable, sharp teeth.  Lower quality metal needs cleaned much more often.
    2. Plastic; cheaper option and good for travel. Teeth tend to dull much quicker than metal.
    3. Wood; harder to clean and wears quickly.
  4. Select a grinder with a non-stick coating to significantly reduce need for cleaning. 
  5. Some grinders on the pricier side of the scale offer lifetime warranty on coatings, magnets and teeth.
  6. Holding compartment. If you plan to carry light, you can easily store a few grams in grinders that have holding compartments. Most grinders allow for removal of the holding compartment for reducing size of the grinder when needed.

Ensure that you are taking the right steps to care for your grinder as there are health risk factors that come into play if you don’t. Health risks can include mold spores, allergens and bacteria. Regardless of health risks, from time to time your grinder will accumulate build up that can restrict your grinder from working properly and puts limitations on ground product consistency and flavor.

To clean your metal grinder; disassemble, wipe it out with a toothbrush to the best of your ability then let soak in isopropyl alcohol for a few hours. Once it has soaked, it will loosen the compacted cannabis that you can now finish scrubbing off with the toothbrush. Let dry before use.

To clean your plastic or acrylic grinder; same steps as above but replace isopropyl alcohol with soap and hot water.  The end result of investing in a quality grinder will yield you results of flavorful consistency for a better smoking or vaping experience!